Nick Wood


About Me!

I'm a third-year computer engineering student at the University of Toronto, pursuing a double minor in artificial intelligence and business.

I have a passion for software development and the interactions that computer systems have with the real world. I enjoy learning new skills through the completion of academic and non-academic software projects - keep scrolling to see some of my favourites.

Movie Poster Classifier

Machine-learning model that classifies movie poster images by genre. Pytorch model trained on 12k+ poster images, with an accuracy of over 67%. Webapp allows for users to upload images and view model predictions using a Python Flask REST API.

Multiplayer Snake Game

I created an online multiplayer implementation of the classic game Snake, developed using Python and JavaScript. Includes a multithreaded Python Websockets server deployed on Heroku that processes player inputs and updates the game state in less than 50ms, allowing the game to smoothly support 100+ concurrent players.

Subreddit Sentiment Analyzer

Provides a measurement of the current sentiment on specific Reddit communities. Applies sentiment analysis to individual subreddit posts, and calculates a weighted average to produce an overall sentiment score.

Conway's Game of Life Simulator

Raw JavaScript + HTML + CSS implementation of John Conway’s cellular automaton. Allows for a user to select initial conditions and run the simulation to observe the evolution of the system. Includes features to store and retrieve design blueprints from an online database using a custom Python Flask REST API.

Cryptocurrency Trading Bot

Expandable Python framework for a real-time trading bot using the Kraken crytocurrency exchange API. Tracks price movements of 18 major cryptocurrencies on the 5-minute timescale and executes trades based on price oscillations and technical indicators. Integrates with the Slack messaging API to provide live updates on trading status to the user.

Restaurant Recommendation App

A conceptual cross-platform (iOS / Android) restaurant recommendation platform developed for U of T Hacks IX. An intuitive, swipe-based interface that allows for traversal and filtering of local dining options. Graphical user interface developed using the Flutter application framework, integrated with a custom Python Flask API to retrieve restaurant data from the cloud.

Wordle Solver

A terminal-based Python program that suggests optimized word guesses for the popular online puzzle game Wordle.